About Me

Frontend Developer based in London, UK


Hi, I am Abul Yousuf. Frontend Developer. Proficient in Git/GitHub, Accessibility, HTML & CSS, Sass/SCSS, Tailwind CSS, Responsive Web Design, JavaScript, ES6, Web APIs, React & Styled Components. I am passionate about building robust, high quality, well-tested Web applications that scale to meet users' needs.

I am looking for Frontend/Web Development opportunities where I can work hard, learn and contribute to an impactful team.

I am a graduate from Bath Spa University Web Development Bootcamp October 2021 Cohort.

Apart from coding, I love food, football (Liverpool FC fan 😀), travelling and meeting new people.


Soft Skills:

Communication Skills, Teamwork/Collaboration, Problem Solving, Detail-Oriented, Resilience.

Technical Skills:

Git/GitHub, Accessibility, HTML & CSS, Sass/SCSS, Tailwind CSS, Responsive Web Design, JavaScript, ES6, Web APIs, React & Styled Components.